The prevalence of diseases transmitted by tick bite have increased in recent years, within the UK. And it is now recognised that there are 3 main infections
- Lyme Disease
- Tick-Bourne Encephalitis
- Babesia
Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)
- UK Prevalence: In 2019 alone there were >1600 lab confirmed casesin England and Wales, with a further 2000 without lab confirmation.
- Vector: Deer Ticks
- Geography:
- UK – Most common in southern England and Scottish highlands (but in Yorkshire too)
- World – More prevalent in parts of central, eastern and northern Europe (including Scandinavia) and parts of Asia, the US and Canada.
- Seasonallity: Summer predominance (but can happen year round)
Clinical Presentation

- Often bite not noticed
- Normal itchy bite rash
- Erythema migrans (click HERE for more images)
- fever and sweats
- swollen glands
- malaise
- fatigue
- neck pain or stiffness
- migratory joint or muscle aches and pain
- cognitive impairment, such as memory problems and difficulty concentrating (sometimes described as ‘brain fog’)
- headache
- paraesthesia.
Treating and testing
- Erythema Migrans – Diagnose and treat Lyme disease without laboratory testing in people with erythema migrans.
- No Erythema Migrans – If there is a clinical suspicion of Lyme disease in people without erythema migrans:
- Offer an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test for Lyme disease
- Consider starting treatment with antibiotics while waiting for the results if there is a high clinical suspicion.
- Treatment – NICE treatment table
- First line – Doxycycline 200mg OD 21 day
- Central Nervous System Or Unstable Carditis – 2g Ceftriaxone IV (see nice for full regime)
Tick-Bourne Encephalitis
- UK Prevalence: Two possible UK cases in 2019 & 2020
- Vector: Deer Ticks
- Geography:
- UK – Thetford and New forests Hampshire/Dorset (the south)
- World – Forrested areas Central/eastern/northern Europe, Siberia, Russian far-East, China, Japan
- Clinical:
- 7 day incubation
- 2/3 asymptomatic
- Biphasic
- Phase 1: 2-10days non-specific symptoms (fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia, nausea)
- Asymptomatic Phase: Generally 7 day (1-33day)
- Phase 2: Typical presentations are meningitis, meningoencephalitis, myelitis, paralysis, or radiculitis
- Diagnosis – testing through RIPL (Rare and Important Pathogen Laboroatory)
- 7 day incubation
- UK Prevalence: One patient July 2019 (uk transition) – historically 10 all imported
- Vector: Cattle & Deer Ticks
- Geography:
- UK – North Devon
- World – Reports in Europe, USA, Japan
- Clinical:
- no history of a tick bite in this case
- presented with fever, jaundice, haemolysis, thrombocytopenia
- diagnosed based on classical morphological features of the Babesia parasite on a blood film.
- Lyme disease – NICE
- Lyme in UK – BMJ
- Tick-Bourne encephalitis – UK Gov
- RIPL – rare and important pathogen lab (UK)
- Babesia – Euro
- Babsia global map – Nat. Microbiol.