Q: Why are Smurf’s Blue?
A: Methaemoglobin (MetHb) of course!
– MetHb is produced by oxidisation of the Iron in Haemoglobin (Hb) from Fe2+ to Fe3+
– Fe3+ prevents Hb carrying oxygen (thus produces symptoms of hypoxia)
– Often due to chemical ingestion, but may also be genetic
– Treated with Methyl Blue & supportive measures
Clues to Diagnosis

If you see the following think Methaemagobinaemia:
- Cyanosis FAILS to respond to O2
- SaO2 Low BUT paO2 Normal/High on ABG
- SaO2 often in 80’s or less (O2 attached to Hb)
- paO2 will increase depending on FiO2
- Remember: paO2 represents O2 dissolved in plasma, NOT the O2 attached to Hb
- Arterial blood is Dark/Brown in colour
- Urine may be Brown/Black
- Blood Gas: Methaemoglobin is recorded on our blood gas samples
Methaemoglobin levels & Symptoms
- 0-10%: Asymptomatic in general
- 10-30%: Mild effects – skin blue-grey, central cyanosis, SOBOE, anxiety, fatigue, dizziness, headaches
- 30-50%: Moderate effects – weakness, confusion, tachypnoea, tachycardia
- 50-70%: Severe effects – coma, seizures, respiratory depression, cardiac arrhythmias, acidosis
- >70%: Potentially fatal
- Nitrates/Nitrites
- Iso(amyl/pentyl/propyl/butyl) Nitrite (Poppers)
- Sodium Nitrite (a food preservative – recently sold in “Suicide Kits”)
- Nitric Oxide
- Antibiotics
- Dapsone
- Rifampicin
- Antimalarials
- Local Anaesthetic (rare with lido/prilocaine)
- Others: inc. metoclopramide, pesticides
- Genetic (Rare and likely known)
- GD6P deficiency
- Pyruvate Kinase deficiency
- Cytokine b5 reductase deficiency
- Blue Fugates of Kentucky
- Basics
- High flow oxygen
- ABC’s
- May require ICU
- Toxbase – for full guidance
- Sodium Nitrite – Phone (UK NPIS 0344 892 0111)
- Methyl Blue
- Any of the following criteria treat with – methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) 1-2 mg/kg in 100 mL of 5% dextrose over 5 min
- All patients with life threatening toxicity
- All symptomatic patients with a MetHb concentration ≥30%
- Consider treatment in patients with MetHb <30% if pre-existing disease also cause hypoxia
- Warning: methyl blue may not work in G6PD, other inherited causes Dapsone toxicity, Chlorate toxicity etc..
- Discus with Toxbase and call (UK NPIS 0344 892 0111)
- Exchange transfusion may be needed
- Any of the following criteria treat with – methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) 1-2 mg/kg in 100 mL of 5% dextrose over 5 min