In Aug 2021 the treatment of paracetamol toxicity within the trust is due to change, for both adults and children. We will start using the SNAP N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) regime 12hrs, and 2 bags, (instead of the traditional 21hr & 3 bag regime)
Why change?
- SNAP regime is commonly used around the country
- Is a recommended treatment regime on
- Reduces time our patients require treatment (12 vs 21hr)
- Has a reduced side effect profile for patients
How will treatment Change?
- Decision to treat will remain the same and follow
- NAC prescription (will be on EPR):
- Bag 1 – 100mg/kg over 2hrs (in 200ml 5% glucose or 0.9%NaCl adult or 2ml/kg child)
- Bag 2 – 200mg/kg over 10hrs (in 1000ml 5% glucose or 0.9%NaCl adult or 20ml/kg child)
- Checking response: Repeat Bloods at 2hrs from end of bag 2 (i.e. 10hrs of treatment)
- Clotting
- U+E
- Paracetamol level
This should happen on the ward but if there are significant delays it may need doing in ED, and discuss with Med/Paeds regarding further treatment.