Major Trauma: STOP>SORT>GO

YAS crews may on occasions (rarely) bring us a Major Trauma patient that meets the criteria for bypass to the MTC because they have a problem that the crew cannot manage, or they won’t survive to LGI e.g. an unmanageable airway/ incompressible haemorrhage. In these instances we will get a pre-alert either from the crew or more likely the Major Trauma Triage Co-ordinator in EOC with some information but primarily the reason the patient is coming to us.

In these instances, it is our role as trauma team leaders to do the minimum necessary to safely transfer them to the MTC – e.g

  • Emergency Anaesthetic/Airway
  • Chest Drain
  • Administer blood
  • Control Bleeding
  • ETC….

Once the primary reason for coming to us is dealt with we should rapidly transfer them to LGI, these patients should be with us for the minimum amount of time possible. Ideally their transfer should be in the same ambulance they arrived is as in an ideal world these patients never come off the ambulance trolley.


  • Stop, Sort, Go and is part of the Major trauma Network national guidance and full signed off by all involved.
  • There is NO need for us to gain permission from the MTC Consultant
  • We MUST let them know the patient is coming and the crew need to give a 10 minute pre-alert to the LGI.

MTC transfer criteria below

STOP>SORT>GO protocol

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