***ANY Immediate Safeguarding Concerns CLICK HERE***
1: Risk Assessment Checklist
2-4 – https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/west-yorkshire/
Please see the updated SOP for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Make sure you are familiar with this protocol and for anymore information please contact the Infection Control Team.
Hi Everyone Please see the new guidance on unwell patients who present to our department.
Remember Our receptionists are often the first people to see patients and its important if they flag a patient that they are concerned about to review them ASAP and escalate to the NIC Read more
(cross-site in the seminar rooms) Read more
Hi everyone. As you know we are continuing to use the paper version of the ED Safety Checklist. This checklist is in place to help us ensure patients receive the highest quality care whilst in the Emergency Department, ensuring our patient receive: regular observations, pressure care , regular updates, refreshments and personal care.