Note: If the referrer feels the presentation of a patient is not within the inclusion/exclusion criteria they can still contact the SDEC co-ordinator and check for acceptance into SDEC.
LVADs (Left Ventricular Assist Device) are becoming more common and there are patients in our region with them as a bridge to transplant or recovery and in some cases a destination therapy.
The patient and their family will likely know more about this device than you and should have brought spare parts. Our local LVAD centre is Wythenshaw however, there are other units around the country the patient may direct you to.
The patient may not have a palpable pulse, the blood pressure will be low and the heart pump sounds like a buzz when you listen.
If patient is unresponsive or has a history of collapse its important to troubleshoot the device and resusitation may be required
Don’t us MDT forms currently as there is not ability for MDT to arrange test/FU
Non-Site-Specific Service (will direct appropriate services for ED only)
The non-site-specific service is an excellent service for the investigation of suspected cancer within 2 weeks.
Primarily NSS accept referrals for Cancer of Unknown Primary – if imaging suggests a cancer and the primary site is not clear clinically or radiologically.
NEW: To improve cancer diagnosis from ED – they will also facilitate referrals to the site specific teams if we in ED identify the primary.
Prevent the spread of infections by ensuring: routine immunisation, high standards of personal hygiene and practice, particularly hand-washing, and maintaining a clean environment. However, Public Health England recommend exclusion in some conditions.
Upper Extremity DVT (UEDVT) is far less common than Lower Extremity DVT, and posses a diagnostic challenge. We can use the Constant score in combination with D-Dimer.