Author: embeds


Quality improvement (QI) is important in the Emergency Department. For our trainees it is an essential part of training, but we can and should all be involved.

Below you can see what QI-projects( QIP)are either ongoing (active) or proposed. – if you would like to get involved either approach the team of active projects, OR if proposed chat to any of the consultants. Let Dr Huw Masson (Audit lead) know who will update the status and is more than happy to help

If you have started a QIP OR just have a good idea complete the registration form – you can find others willing to help or inspire someone to take your idea forward if you don’t feel able.

RCEM QIP guidance – Click HERE (it doesn’t need to be original, it doesn’t have to succeed to pass)

Active and Proposed QIP’s

Register/Propose a QIP

VTE prophylaxis in lower limb Immobilisation (ED – 2023)

In the Emergency Department (ED) lower leg immobilisation after injury is a necessary treatment but is also a known risk factor for the development of venous thromboembolism (VTE). This accounts for approximately 2% of all VTE cases which are potentially preventable with early pharmacological thromboprophylaxis.

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Paediatric Blast Injury

Save the Children, have published a used full guide on management on blast injuries in children. Taking you through pre-hospital, ED and inpatient care.

Although blast injury is rare in the UK it’s worth a read as an adjunct to APLS/ATLS training.

  • Recognising “Blast Lung” – which may be subtle initially and develop over hours (p51)
  • Prophylactic antibiotics
  • Compartment syndrome and fasciotomy (p105)
  • Burns Fluids and escharotomies (p112)

Ful Guide[PDF] – HERE

Penthrox (Methoxyflurane)

Penthrox is an inhaled, patient controlled analgesic for use with moderate to severe acute pain associated with trauma.  Not to be used in atraumatic pain, chronic pain, children or pregnancy.

Rapid onset of analgesia lasting 25-60 minutes depending on rate and depth of inhalation.  Wears off 10 minutes after last inhalation.

Contraindications (CHECK ALLL):

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Paeds Liaison Form – EPR

The Paediatric Liaison Form (PLF is now part of EPR – how to guide)

This form alerts the Paediatric Liaison Team to your concerns so that they can investigate and provide appropriate support to the child & family.

You SHOULD inform the family that you are completing the form as the Paeds Liaison Team or other agencies (e.g. social services or school nurse)may contact them.

You SHOULD NOT use this form for patients who have either suffered or at risk of significant harm. In this case you should discuss directly with the paediatric consultant on-call.

PDF: Paediatric Liaison Form

PDF: Safeguarding Guide


Emergency PEG/PEJ/RIG replacement

When a patients with a PEG/PEJ/RIG that has come out attends the ED its important that we can either replace it or insert an EN-Plug OR NG tube into the tract to maintain patentcy while being admitted (how to guide is below)

NG/Foley catheters must not be used to administer fluid or feed nor should the patient be sent home with it in-situ.

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