Author: embeds

Ingested Magnets

Ingestion of Strong Magnets is a TIME CRITICAL EMERGENCY

(Multiple Magnets OR a single Magnet and Metallic Objects)

Strong magnets  (such as Neodymium)

  • Now common place around the house
  • From; fridge magnets to toys and peicings


  • Intestinal injury can occur within 8-24 hours
  • However, symptoms may take weeks to develop
  • Symptomatic patients are a SURGICAL emergency


  • Use X-Ray (NOT metal detectors)
  • May require AP and lateral images to see how many

RCEM recommendation (best practice)

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NIV (Non Invasive Ventilation)

NIV should be considered for use in patients with a  persisting Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failures after a maximum of one hour of standard medical therapy.

  • Complete the Ad-hoc form
  • Increase pressures from Initial 12/5 cmH2O to 20/5cmH2O – as tolerated over 1st hour

However, ICU should be contacted early if the patient has one of the following:

  • Asthma – Intubation the option of choice in Life threatening
  • Pneumonia – NIV should only be considered as a bridge to intubation
  • No pre-exisiting respiratory issue – NIV not likely helpful
  • pH <7.25 (low threshold for ICU input)
  • pCO2 >6.5kPa (low threshold for ICU input)
  • Type 1 Respiratory Failure (low threshold for ICU input)

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Massive Transfusion Pathway

In the case of patient with Massive Haemorrhage weather that be from Trauma, Surgical, O&G, UGIB, you can activate the MTP


  • Do the Basics – don’t forget ABCD
  • Inform Transfusion and get someone to run a G&S sample down
  • FFP can take up to 45min and platelets come from Leeds
  • If you no longer need the MTP – inform transfusion and return products ASAP
major haemorrage



Mental Capacity Act (2005)

Applies to all over 16’s


  1. Everyone is presumed to have capacity – until a lack of capacity has been established
  2. All practical efforts have been made to help patient make a decision
    • Explain decision and options as clearly and concisely as possible (be flexible)
    • Make every effort to help the person understand (language line, writing, etc.)
    • Are there others who might help them understand? (nursing, medical, family, freinds)
  3. People are free to make an unwise decision
  4. Anything done under the act MUST be in the patients best interest
  5. Carefully consider what is the least restrictive option

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