RCPCH What0-18.nhs.uk – have released a comprehensive set of guides for children and young people. (Which our Paeds. team are now using)
- Professional Hospital Guides – HERE
- Patental Guides – HERE
RCPCH What0-18.nhs.uk – have released a comprehensive set of guides for children and young people. (Which our Paeds. team are now using)
(Multiple Magnets OR a single Magnet and Metallic Objects)
Strong magnets (such as Neodymium)
NIV should be considered for use in patients with a persisting Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failures after a maximum of one hour of standard medical therapy.
An elderly patient attends the ED with difficulty mobilising, Nursing staff tell you that the patient needs a CT head for STROKE? – “They are really unsteady if they try to stand and they can’t lift their arms up”. Read more
In the case of patient with Massive Haemorrhage weather that be from Trauma, Surgical, O&G, UGIB, you can activate the MTP
Diabetic Ketoacidosis – remember in paediatrics this may be the 1st presentation of diabetes.
Patients sometimes present to ED or are send to ED due to over anticoagulation with warfarin