Category: Case of Week

Case of the Week 7 – Femoral fracture

CHFT Case of the Week 7 – download for links


CHFT Case of the Week 7


This weeks case features a young man presenting to CRH with a femur fracture. It discusses cognitive biases and how we might fall in to traps when assessing patients outside of the usual environment i.e. trauma at CRH. Cognitive biases are everywhere and applicable to every patient we see – and a lot of decisions outside of work! There is also discussion around approach to trauma patients and management of femur fractures for people that have not done ATLS.

Case of the Week 6 – Back pain and Cauda Equina Syndrome

CHFT Case of the Week 6 – Download for links


CHFT Case of the Week 6


This weeks case of the week discusses a patient who presented to ED 3 times before receiving a rare and unfortunate diagnosis. It highlights the need to be vigilant in re attenders – particularly when there is progression of symptoms. It also discusses some of the evidence around back pain assessment and Cauda Equina Syndrome.