Acute sore throats are often caused by a virus, last about a week and get better without antibiotics. withholding antibiotics rarely causes complications. Antibiotic stewardship is everyone’s responsibility to prevent resistance developing.
Are there any concerns regarding airway compromise? – If yes – transfer to resus, give high flow Oxygen, IV steroids, IV antibiotics, Nebulised adrenaline 1:1000, IV fluids, take bloods and refer to both anaesthetics and ENT registrar.
Assess all under 5s with a temperature as per the NICE fever guidelines
Assess the patient for signs of severe sepsis – if present use the severe sepsis guidelines
If no signs of sepsis assess patient, exclude Quinsey (unilateral swelling, paina nd trismus) and calculate the FeverPAIN score and Centor score
FeverPAIN = 1 point for each of –
- Fever
- Purulent tonsillar exudate
- Attendance within 3 days of onset
- severely Inflamed tonsils
- No cough/coryza
Centor = 1 point for each of –
- Tonsillar exudate
- Tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy or lymphadenititis
- History of fever >38
- No cough
Can the aptient swallow fluids and medication – if not give a stat dose of IV Dexametasone, IV antibiotics, IV fluids and analgesia – review in 2 hours. If they can swallow at this time then you can consider discharge with a patient information leaflet.
- FeverPAIN = 0 or 1/ Centor = 0,1 or 2 – no antibiotics, self care advice
- FeverPAIN = 2 or3 – no antibiotics or a script for 3-5 days time if no better, self care advice
- FeverPAIN = 4 or 5 / Centor 3 or 4 = give Antibiotics immediately, self care advice
Patients to seek medical advice if become more unwell or not improving after 1 week
Self care advice – Paracetamol, Ibuporfen, Adequate fluids, Medicated lozenges
Antibiotics –
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 5-10 days
If Penicillin allergy – Clarithromycin or Erythromycin 5 days

Tonsillitis Patient Information Leaflet

Full NICE Guidance
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