Category: Learning

Major Trauma Network

We are part of the West Yorkshire Major Trauma Network with our MTC at LGI

WYMTN: Guides

We know that from time-time patient are brought to us and we find injuries that are more appropriate to manage at the MTC. This is inevitable as the on scene triage tool is never going to identify every major trauma patient – this is a failing of the tool not the crew. The decision tree below can help you  arrange transfers in the most timely and appropriate manner. Read more

Asthma – Paeds

Quick Ref Guide

Full What0-18 Guide

Asthma is common and potentially fatal.

  • Severity -Inital
    • Life Threatening:
      • Move to Resus
      • Senior Dr
      • Oxygen
      • Back-Back Neb – Salbutamol & Ipratroprium
      • Steroids
    • Severe:
      • Nebuliser – Salbutamol & Ipratroprium
      • Oxygen – to maintain SaO2 >94%
      • Review 15min
    • Mild-Mod:
      • Inhaler with Spacer
      • Review 15min

  • Treatment within 30 min – bronchodilators and steroids should bee given within 30min
  • 2hrs Observation after Neb – better after a neb don’t just send home they may deteriorate when it wears off.
  • Discharge advice sheet – print off from this guide, remember to check inhaler technique and consider a spacer


PDF:asthma pead

Pneumonia (Community Acquired)

Severe Pneumonia: Please Request/Send – Samples Sputum/Blood/Urine

BTS Definition of CAP

Signs of acute Lower Respiratory Tract illness (LRTI) [Cough] &:

  •  ≥1 other LRTI Symptom [Pleuritic pain, Tachypnea, Dyspnea, etc]
  • New Focal Chest Signs [Creps, Bronchial breathing, Red. A/E]
  • ≥1 Systemic sign [Fever, Sweats, Chills, Rigors, >38oC]
  • New CXR changes [if hospitalized]

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NIPPV 3 machines are used throughout the trust to deliver NIV and CPAP – and should be commenced in ED if transfer to ward/ICU is adding significant delay

  • NIV/CPAP  is NOT an Aerosol Generating Proceedure (AGP) [as of Sept 2022]
  • CPAP/EPAP levels of 8-15cmH2O

This video demonstrates how to set up CPAP on the NIPPV 3


Upper GI Bleed (UGIB)

Not normally difficult to spot, but look for it in unexplained anaemia, or collapse.


  • Is it VARICEAL? Mortality 35%, so is an emergency whatever the GBS is.
  • Non-Variceal what’s the GBS? will help guide treatment

Anyone being admitted should be brought to HRI

Emergency Endoscopy is arranged by Med Reg

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Syncope – ESC 2018

  • Defintion:Transient Loss of Consciousness (TLOC) due to cerebral hypoperfusion, characterised by a rapid onset, short duration, and spontaneous complete recovery.
  • Common ED Complaint: 1.7% of all attendances
  • Difficult Diagnosis: less than 50% get a diagnosis in ED
  • Mortality & Serious Outcome: 0.8% mortality & 10.3% serious outcome @ 30 days

Ask 3 Questions!

  1. Is this Syncope?
  2. What is the underlying cause?
  3. What is the best Follow-Up for this patient?

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Antibiotics Guides

Sepsis – Click Here

Suspected Covid-19 – Click Here

Site Specific – Click Here

Paediatric – Click Here

Using APP: Sepsis PDF HERE

Ideally use the above links

Covid-19 antibiotic regime no different  – unless confirmed or not responding then add: Flucloxacillin 2g IV QDS or Linezolid 60mg IV/PO BD


Can’t find it in our drug cupboard

try the Emergency Drug Cupboard

COPD – exacerbations

COPD patients vary widely, due to their comorbidities, social circumstances, and wishes. So choosing the best treatment pathway for the patient can be complex. Involve senior decision makers.


  • Is hospital the best place for them?
  • Do they need NIV?
  • Are they dying? – would you want to die surrounded by strangers or with your family?

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Rash/Derm Guide

Guide Taken from the Primary Care Dermatology Society(PCDS) other good sourse is DermnetNZ.

A relatively easy way to find out what you’re looking at!

Rash – Apearance
Rash – Site
Skin Conditions (DermnetNZ – a bit clunckier)