Category: MAJAX

Major Trauma: STOP>SORT>GO

YAS crews may on occasions (rarely) bring us a Major Trauma patient that meets the criteria for bypass to the MTC because they have a problem that the crew cannot manage, or they won’t survive to LGI e.g. an unmanageable airway/ incompressible haemorrhage. In these instances we will get a pre-alert either from the crew or more likely the Major Trauma Triage Co-ordinator in EOC with some information but primarily the reason the patient is coming to us.

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Paediatric Blast Injury

Save the Children, have published a used full guide on management on blast injuries in children. Taking you through pre-hospital, ED and inpatient care.

Although blast injury is rare in the UK it’s worth a read as an adjunct to APLS/ATLS training.

  • Recognising “Blast Lung” – which may be subtle initially and develop over hours (p51)
  • Prophylactic antibiotics
  • Compartment syndrome and fasciotomy (p105)
  • Burns Fluids and escharotomies (p112)

Ful Guide[PDF] – HERE

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Massive Transfusion Pathway

In the case of patient with Massive Haemorrhage weather that be from Trauma, Surgical, O&G, UGIB, you can activate the MTP


  • Do the Basics – don’t forget ABCD
  • Inform Transfusion and get someone to run a G&S sample down
  • FFP can take up to 45min and platelets come from Leeds
  • If you no longer need the MTP – inform transfusion and return products ASAP
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2. HAZMAT – Suspected Contamination Incident

So a patient comes to ED after white powder thrown is at them what do you do? Your initial response can help them and everyone in the department!

  1. Ask them to leave the department
    • Going to garage was useful
    • Inform Nurse in Charge and Consultant
  2. Dynamic risk assessment
    • Performed by nursing/medical staff while outside
  3. Decontaminate
  4. Return to ED

If you haven’t seen the Initial Operational Response (IOR) training video please watch it.

The patient can then be thoroughly assesses, to identify the substance involved (this may involve witnesses, police info and symptomatology), and treated appropriately.

Police should be informed of the incident for several reasons: 1. Public safety, 2. To collect the evidence and possible find out what it was for you. (if this is not a criminal act Public health England can advise on return/disposal of personal effects)

Inform Manager On-Call of incident as it may disrupt the functioning of ED and can provide support.


Patient symptom-free and substance unknown

In our recent case Public Health England advised

  • 4-6hr observation
  • Discharge with advice:
    • “if developing symptoms to return to the ED via ambulance but the patient must be aware that they must inform 999 of the original exposure.”


3. HAZMAT – CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) incidents

NHS England, Public Health England and the Health Protection Agency have produced several very useful resources for us to use – BUT First.

Remove – Remove – Remove



  • Health Protection Agency Teams – HERE
    • West Yorkshire
      • In hours: 0113 386 0300
      • Out of hours: 114 304 9843
  • ECOSA (Emergency Coordinated Scientific Advice System) – 0300 3033 493

  • UK NPIS – 0344 892 0111


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1. HAZMAT – First Contact


Remove Them..

At reception ask them to go outside to designated area and staff will be with them shortly. Inform Nurse in Charge!

Remove Clothes..

Use the disrobing card to get the patient to safely remove and bag up clothes. Do your best to maintain privacy. CARD HERE

Remove Substance..

If we have ample warning or the number of patients will be significant, it may be worth deploying the decontamination tent but remember setting this up is time consuming.