In anybody who there is suspicion of a non-traumatic haemorrhage arrange an urgent CT Head.
All patients need IV access and U&E, FBC, Coag
If CT confirms PICH (not traumatic, not SAH): –
If anticoagulated with warfarin or NOAC discuss with stroke consultant and Haematologist regarding reversal
If not anticoagulated give Tranexamic acid – 1g in 100mls Saline/Glucose over 10 mins followed by 1g in 250mls Saline over 6 hours.
Blood Pressure
BP needs to be <150/80 – use labetalol (max 400mg – until BP <160 or HR <50) and GTN infusion
Neurosurgical Referral
Not all patients with intracerebral bleeds need referral to neurosurgery – you could save yourself and your patient a lot of time and effort!
Those to refer:
- GCS 9-12/15 with lobar haemorrhage
- Isolated intraventricual haemorrhage
- Hydrocephalus on presentation
- Rapid deterioration following arrival (gcs drop by 2 points or more in the motor component)
- Cerebellar bleed
Admit those not going to Neurosurgery to HASU at CRH after discussion with Stroke team