Emergency Medicine is a challenging environment, balancing patient needs, time constraints and systems pressures. When this intensifies as responsible clinicians we can ALL feel frustrated, and this can lead to Rudeness. Which, far from rectifying the issues has been show to only exacerbate the issues.
Category: Resources
#RCEMasc 2021
Lots of good stuff again from the virtual #RCEMasc21 – here are a few of the topics that got me thinking Read more
Teaching – Palliative Care
As we know everybody dies, but recognition and palliation of the dying patient can be difficult. One of our palliative care consultants Mary Keily has produced a video on “End of life care medicines”.
- We also have the Palliative care bundles in our quick orders on EPR, to make prescribing easier.

Insitu SIM Instructions

SIMNews – Issue 1- Massive PE
Click here to download the poster
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Running insitu SIM at CHT means we to learn and share our learning
@cazandal, @chftedsim
EMbeds guide on how to manage PE’s here

SIMNews- Issue 2- Acute Pulmonary Oedema
Click here to view on another tab
Running insitu SIM at CHT means we to learn and share our learning
@cazandal, @chftedsim
EMbeds pulmonary oedema guidelines

SIMNews – Issue 3- Anaphylaxis
Click here to download the poster
Click here to view on another tab
Running insitu SIM at CHT means we to learn and share our learning
@cazandal, @chftedsim
NIPPV 3 machines are used throughout the trust to deliver NIV and CPAP – and should be commenced in ED if transfer to ward/ICU is adding significant delay
- NIV/CPAP is NOT an Aerosol Generating Proceedure (AGP) [as of Sept 2022]
- CPAP/EPAP levels of 8-15cmH2O
This video demonstrates how to set up CPAP on the NIPPV 3
Fascia Iliaca Block – FIB
#EUSEM2020 (virtual conference)
My first virtual conference – has been great to dip in and out of all the streams at my leisure. Just a shame they didn’t send some Danish liquorice.
So here is my Summary…..(Kids, Resus, Heads, Others)