Category: Resus

Ingested Magnets

Ingestion of Strong Magnets is a TIME CRITICAL EMERGENCY

(Multiple Magnets OR a single Magnet and Metallic Objects)

Strong magnets  (such as Neodymium)

  • Now common place around the house
  • From; fridge magnets to toys and peicings


  • Intestinal injury can occur within 8-24 hours
  • However, symptoms may take weeks to develop
  • Symptomatic patients are a SURGICAL emergency


  • Use X-Ray (NOT metal detectors)
  • May require AP and lateral images to see how many

RCEM recommendation (best practice)

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NIV (Non Invasive Ventilation)

NIV should be considered for use in patients with a  persisting Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failures after a maximum of one hour of standard medical therapy.

  • Complete the Ad-hoc form
  • Increase pressures from Initial 12/5 cmH2O to 20/5cmH2O – as tolerated over 1st hour

However, ICU should be contacted early if the patient has one of the following:

  • Asthma – Intubation the option of choice in Life threatening
  • Pneumonia – NIV should only be considered as a bridge to intubation
  • No pre-exisiting respiratory issue – NIV not likely helpful
  • pH <7.25 (low threshold for ICU input)
  • pCO2 >6.5kPa (low threshold for ICU input)
  • Type 1 Respiratory Failure (low threshold for ICU input)

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Massive Transfusion Pathway

In the case of patient with Massive Haemorrhage weather that be from Trauma, Surgical, O&G, UGIB, you can activate the MTP


  • Do the Basics – don’t forget ABCD
  • Inform Transfusion and get someone to run a G&S sample down
  • FFP can take up to 45min and platelets come from Leeds
  • If you no longer need the MTP – inform transfusion and return products ASAP
major haemorrage



LA – Toxicity

We are regularly doing femoral blocks next to major vessels. So warn the patient of the symptoms, & keep them monitored(at least 15 min).

Symptoms of local anaesthetic toxicity

  • Circumoral and/or tongue numbness
  • Metallic taste
  • Lightheadedness/Dizziness
  • Visual/Auditory disturbances (blurred vision/tinnitus)
  • Confused/Drowsiness/Fitting
  • Arrhythmia
  • Cardio-Resp Arrest

Remember – Do basics WELL

Intralipid – in antidote cupboard (Green Majors treatment room)

    1. Bolus – 1.5ml/kg 20% lipid solution over 1min
    2. Then start Infusion – 15ml/kg/hr 20% lipid solution
    3. 5 mins reassess if Cardiac instability/deterioration
      • Rpt Bolus 1.5ml/kg over 1min (max 3 boluses inc. initial)
      • Increase infusion rate – up to 30ml/kg/hr
      • Total Max dose 12ml/kg

Propofol is not a suitable substitute for lipid emulsion

Without Cardio-Resp Arrest

Use conventional therapies to treat:

  • Seizures
  • Hypotension
  • Bradycardia
  • Tachyarrhythmia (Lidocaine should not be used as an anti-arrhythmic therapy)

In Cardio-Resp Arrest

  • CPR – using standard protocols (Continue CPR throughout treatment with lipid emulsion)
  • Manage arrhythmias – using standard protocols
  • Consider the use of cardiopulmonary bypass if available
  • Recovery from LA-induced cardiac arrest may take >1 h
  • Lidocaine should not be used as an anti-arrhythmic therapy



C-Spine Injury

C-spine injury ranges from the obvious fracture-dislocation to the less obvious ligamentous injury, affecting about 2.5% of blunt trauma patients. However, ALL of them are serious and can lead to life changing injuries, that we obviously don’t want to miss.  Unfortunately reported miss rates range from 4-30%. [IJO 2007]

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Pulmonary Embolism – PE

PE is somehow both the most over and under diagnosed condition. with severity ranging from the questionable sub-segmental PE to the Massive PE (an indication for thrombolysis). So think:

  • Does this presentation sound like a PE? – If not STOP here
  • Pregnant?  – Click Here
  • Do you think this is likely a PE? (if so you can’t use PERC)
  • Does D-Dimer answer  your question? (whats the Wells)
  • Massive PE  – think Thrombolysis
  • Sub-Massive PE – there is lots of debate (involve seniors), locally needs 2 consultant sign off and not considered time critical.

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