the iNFANT is truly a design enigma, it is simple yet complicated, amazing yet frustrating, beautiful yet disgusting. And due to a unique production method, each iNFANT has its own variations and special features. Read more
Category: Safe-Guarding
Are You CO Aware?
With the onset of colder weather, many households in the UK are turning on their heating for the first time in months. Heating appliances need chimneys and flues to work safely – and these can block up over the summer months. So autumn is traditionally the period when people get poisoned by carbon monoxide (although it can happen any time of the year!)
Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced when anything containing carbon burns or smoulders. For practical purposes, this means the burning of any kind of fuel, commonly:
- Gas
- Coal
- Wood/Paper/Card
- Oil/Petrol/Diesel – (All UK cars have a ‘catalytic converter’ in the exhaust system, which converts carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon Dioxide (CO2), which is less poisonous. However, these converters need to warmed up – a cold car produces fatal amounts of CO in the exhaust)
CO is very poisonous. Exposure to as little as 300 parts per million (that’s just 0.03%) can prove fatal.
SUDIC – Sudden Unexpected Death In Child
Occasionally children (<18 yrs) unfortunately will either die in ED or be brought in dead, this is obviously a terrible time for the child’s family and for staff. Despite this there are several important things we must do. Read more