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2 video links to PHE how to Don and Doff your PPE
CAP is far less common than URTI’s, however, it needs to be considered within your differentials. Depending on severity there is a guide to investigation and treatment.
Please see the updated SOP for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Make sure you are familiar with this protocol and for anymore information please contact the Infection Control Team.
Approx. 50% of over 65’s and most of those with catheters have asymptomatic bacteriuria. The patient will not benefit from treatment and often gives us premature closure (i.e. we blame a fictitious UTI for the patients symptoms and stop thinking). Read more
Registered Medical Practitioners in England and Wales have a statutory duty to notify Public Health about the following diseases. To facilitate rapid treatment and control of outbreaks. (Links to Wikipedia for illustrative purposes) Read more