Tag: fab

LA – Toxicity

We are regularly doing femoral blocks next to major vessels. So warn the patient of the symptoms, & keep them monitored(at least 15 min).

Symptoms of local anaesthetic toxicity

  • Circumoral and/or tongue numbness
  • Metallic taste
  • Lightheadedness/Dizziness
  • Visual/Auditory disturbances (blurred vision/tinnitus)
  • Confused/Drowsiness/Fitting
  • Arrhythmia
  • Cardio-Resp Arrest

Remember – Do basics WELL

Intralipid – in antidote cupboard (Green Majors treatment room)

    1. Bolus – 1.5ml/kg 20% lipid solution over 1min
    2. Then start Infusion – 15ml/kg/hr 20% lipid solution
    3. 5 mins reassess if Cardiac instability/deterioration
      • Rpt Bolus 1.5ml/kg over 1min (max 3 boluses inc. initial)
      • Increase infusion rate – up to 30ml/kg/hr
      • Total Max dose 12ml/kg

Propofol is not a suitable substitute for lipid emulsion

Without Cardio-Resp Arrest

Use conventional therapies to treat:

  • Seizures
  • Hypotension
  • Bradycardia
  • Tachyarrhythmia (Lidocaine should not be used as an anti-arrhythmic therapy)

In Cardio-Resp Arrest

  • CPR – using standard protocols (Continue CPR throughout treatment with lipid emulsion)
  • Manage arrhythmias – using standard protocols
  • Consider the use of cardiopulmonary bypass if available
  • Recovery from LA-induced cardiac arrest may take >1 h
  • Lidocaine should not be used as an anti-arrhythmic therapy



#NoF – Fractured Neck of Femur

BOAST Guidance

  • #NoF patients (or other fragility fracture) who requiring CT Head (for head injury) also be performed a CT Neck
    • Fragility fractures indicate the patient is at high risk of also sustain C-Spine injury.
    • Also the pain is likely distracting and the patient is often over 65yrs old so Canadian C-Spine rules will not apply.


  • Why did They Fall? – was this a collapse?
  • Are they sick? – Co-morbidity/illness is common in this group and must be recognised
  • Anticoagulants? – This affects treatment
    • On Warfarin – If INR >1.5 (or unavailable) Vit-K 5mg
  • Other injuries? – >65’s the most common mechanism of TARN major trauma is fall <2m
  • Typically – Pain hip/buttock, shortened, externally rotated
  • Atypical – Few signs (can they lift their leg & is rotation at the hip painful)