Tag: potassiun


Remember: is it a haemolysed blood sample? (you can do an iSTAT)


  • Mild: 5.5-5.9mmol/l – No urgent action required (Dietary & Medication modification & GP F/U)
  • Moderate: 6.0-6.4mmol/l – Follow treatment guide (maybe suitable for discharge)
  • Severe: ≥6.5mmol/l OR ECG changes – Follow treatment guide, must admit

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Hypokalaemia (low potassium), is a common problem. It is found in 14% of outpatients and 20% of inpatients, however only 4-5% of those are of clinical significance.


  • Severe: <2.5 mEq/l OR Symptomatic – Look for Hypomagnesaemia
  • Moderate: 2.5-2.9 mEq/l (No or Minor symptoms)
  • Mild: 3.0-3.4 mEq/l  (Usually asymptomatic)

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